
Launch Event :: Microsoft Imagine Academy Program - Digital Skills For All
At Higher Education Commission Pakistan
May 26, 2016

Hour of Code
At Modern School System Abbottabad

December 7th, 2015


After 2nd Workshop
3rd - 5th Nov, 2015

C# Fundamentals Workshop

Day 1
November 3rd, 2015

Day 2
November 4th, 2015

Day 3
November 5th, 2015

Introductory workshop 
Great event

October 8th, 2015











After our 1st Introductory Session, Team MSP 
Ch Muhammad Sulaiman
Haris Zaman
Shuja Mughal &
Reham Khawaja
with some of those students who attended the session.
Thank you guys for taking interest in our sessions. 
October 8th, 2015

Orientation @ Higher Education Commission Islamabad

MSPs are gathered at the orientation arranged by Microsoft in the auditorium of Higher Education Commission Islamabad
    September 15th , 2015

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